Step1: Plug the DG80P into the PS5’s USB port and follow Pairing & Connecting instructions to connect your Bluetooth headphones
Step 2: Set the Audio Mode
1) If you’re concerned about the audio quality drop in talk mode, you can use your PS5 controller’s mic instead and set the dongle to music mode, Double-click the dongle’s MFB to enter music mode for the best audio quality. A Blue LED indicates music mode. Or, if you don’t need to chat and only need game audio, likewise set the dongle to music mode.
Or you can update the firmware of the DG80P, default music mode while use with PS5. And now, you don't need to switch it to music mode.
2) If you want to chat with your teammate using your headphones’ mic, the DG80P should enter talk mode by default. A solid white LED indicates talk mode. You may find that the headphones’ volume and audio quality drops in talk mode. This is due to a technological limitation with Bluetooth.
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