The Audikast 2 must be connected to a power source via the provided power cable in order to function. For wall-mounted TVs, you can use the adhesive pad to attach the transmitter to the wall beside your TV. Plug the transmitter into either:
1. A TV’s USB power port (we recommend this so that it turns ON / OFF in tandem with your TV), OR
2. A nearby wall outlet - 5V/500mA-2A rated USB adapter (any phone charger should work. Please contact if you'd like us to send you a free adapter)
Once the Audikast 2 is connected to a power source, you can then connect it to your TV's audio ports. You can choose one of 3 different ways to do this:
OPTION 1 Optical port (recommended)
Plug the provided optical cable into the TV’s “optical OUT”or “OPT OUT” port, then plug the other end into the transmitter’s optical port.
OPTION 2 AUX 3.5mm port
Plug the provided AUX 3.5mm audio cable into the TV’s AUX 3.5mm output port, then plug the other end into the transmitter’s AUX 3.5mm port.
Attach the RCA adapter to the AUX 3.5mm audio cable. Plug the red & white connectors into the TV’s “AUDIO OUT” ports, then plug the other end into the transmitter’s AUX 3.5mm port.
NOTE: Double check to ensure that optical / RCA cables are plugged into the TV’s audio OUT ports and not the AUDIO IN / COMPONENT IN ports.
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