Reset if the earbuds cannot connect properly with your device.
1. Place the earbuds into the charging case and keep case lid open.
2. Press & hold
3. Now the reset is done. Wait for the R earbud to start flashing BLUE & RED again.
Note: If the R earbud can't initiate flashing BLUE & RED, please close the case lip and open again to restart the earbuds.
4. Clear the pairing history of the source device - Cellphone, Tablet, PC, Bluetooth Transmitter. (Note:This is an important step! Factory Reset Oasis, Oasis Plus, Audikast, Orbit)
Please follow the steps in this Video Guide
Related knowledge:
1. Bluetooth device normally auto-reconnects to its LAST paired / connected device. You might need to make sure the previous used device are Bluetooth-off to avoid interference.
2. It is important to Reset both Bluetooth sender and receiver. In case of cellphone / PC, you can turn off its Bluetooth function and turn it back on.
3. If still not working, you can email us ( . We will help you to fix it.
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