Step 1: Connect the Original HT5006 Headphones to the Transmitter.
Please see Power On & Connect the Headphones FAQ if you're not sure how.
Step 2: Get your 2nd pair of headphones into Bluetooth Pairing Mode.
Here's a list of How to Get Some of the Most Popular Bluetooth Headphones/Speakers into Pairing Mode, please take a look and see if you can find yours in there.
If you can't find it in here, please either refer to your 2nd headphone's user manual or Google it.
Step 3: Get the Transmitter into Bluetooth Pairing Mode.
Pressing & Holding the Bluetooth Icon Button (1st "round" button from the left) for 2 seconds. You'll see the "TX" LED indicator flashing GREEN & WHITE.
Step 4: Give them a Few Seconds to Connect.
With both devices in pairing mode, keep them close to each other and give them a few seconds. The "B" indicator will turn SOLID WHITE once they've successfully connected with each other.
Reconnecting during Future Use:
- Turn on the 1st pair of headphones. (the pair that came with the HT5006 set.)
- Turn on the transmitter, wait for the two to connect.
- Once the 1st pair of headphones have connected, turn on the 2nd pair of headphones.
- Give them a few seconds, they should automatically reconnect, and you'd be good to go!
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