Before Batch T23F1:
Product Overview
LED Indicators
Transmitter / Dock
① Solid GREEN: Charging in-progress
① Turn off: Charging complete
② Turns SOLID BLUE: Connected and valid audio signal detected.
② Turns off after power on: Standby mode - Connected but NO auido signal detected after 5 minutes.
② Turns off and ① turns SOLID GREEN: Charging
③ Turns SOLID RED: Use optical or coaxial input and
audio signal is detected
③ Flashes RED: Use optical or coaxial input and
NO audio signal is detected after 5 minutes
④ Lights up RED: Power on
④ Turns SOLID GREEN: Connected
④ Changes from SOLID GREEN to SOLID RED: Connected but NO auido siganal detected after 5 minutes
④ Flashing GREEN: Pairing
④ Flashing RED: Low Battery
Starting From Batch T23F1:
Product Overview
LED Indicators
Transmitter / Dock
Note: The HT280 set has been upgraded from T23F1(WSHT-280-BLK-RX single headphones upgraded from T23J1). The new version is incompatible with the batch before T23F1.
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