If the RED headphone failed to reconnect to the transmitter, please try to turn OFF all devices and follow Part 2. Connect / Reconnect Black / Red headphones to Transmitter Step by Step. You should be able to fix the issue without going through the pairing process again.
If Part 2 does not help at all, you may try to pair it again with the transmitter.
Step 1. Turn OFF TV & Close-by Wifi devices to avoid Interferences. Turn OFF the transmitter and two headphones.
Step 2. Turn on Transmitter and BLACK headphones. Wait for them to Reconnect.
Step 3. Get the RED headphone into PAIRING MODE
T22H1 & After: Slide the power switch to the "Pair" position until the LED flashes RED & BLUE.
Before T22H1: With the headphone turned off, PRESS & HOLD the silver button
Step 4. Get the transmitter into PAIRING MODE.
Press and HOLD button until
close to
starts flashing RED & BLUE.
Keep them close and give them a few seconds. Once connected, the close to
will turn SOLID BLUE.
Now both BLACK and RED headphones should be well-connected with the transmitter.
For your Next Use…
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